Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3rd Annual Tar Beach Golf Invitational

The 3rd Annual Tar Beach Golf Invitational was held in Rochester, NY (Sept 23 - 25) this year. Despite grim predictions of 60 degree temps and rainy skies, the weathermen were predictably wrong and all the men stayed both dry and sweaty despite the late September weekend.

Hosts - Dave & Melisza Campos
Club - Lake Shore Country Club, Rochester, NY
Winning Team* - Bryan Berry, Mark Anderson, Ryan Lynch, Doug Escher
Favors - Engraved walnut picture frames
Babies in Attendance - Rafael Campos (2 yrs, 5 mo), Karina Campos (6 mo), Charlotte Berry (2 yrs, 1 mo), Baby Berry #2 (still cookin'...), Jackson Fargione (2 yrs, 7 mo), Noah Fargione (5 mo)

 2011 Winners

* This means that Karim Ouazzi and Jim Berry are the two remaining founding members who have yet to win the trophy. Please be assured that their team will be unfairly stacked next year.

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